car·pet·bag·ger : Pronunciation: -"ba-g&r . Function: noun. Etymology: from their carrying all their belongings in carpetbags - car·pet·bag·gery

: OUTSIDER; especially : a nonresident or new resident who meddles in politics (merriam webster online)

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Flea Market

The phrase is not one which English as a second language speakers often know. Its etymological origin is not clear and it can only be described to them as slang for some kind of a market.

I've always loved them filled with random scores and bargaining from a dollar down to 50 cents. However, I go about every day generally considering myself to be weird, but the odd-balls one finds at flea markets outdo me hands down. The collectors of candles from the seventies, miniature ceramic boots and of course ancient coins and stamps. The sellers of 2 dollar shoes by the dozen, made in china, socks and electrical tape, the hamburger vendor and fresh lemonade Italian ice.

Everybody loves a street fair but only freaks (and vintage buyers) love flea markets.


Anonymous said...

You think freaks love a flea market: I think the real freaks are in shopping centres. In Garden City Shopping Centre, Perth, my sis and I saw girls dressed as milk maids (working at a place called 'miss maid'). We were served by a frighteningly and rudely efficient girl at Sanity (forgive us!) - who said "I'm on to it babes"; so this is what America is like! The biggest shock came near the end of our trip when we saw some people smiling. They were the first we'd seen in a few hours.
Contrasted with Mum's weekly print making group at Freo Arts Centre. Women of different ages and backgrounds making art, talking about life, children, politics, environment. Life's too short to go shopping - unless it's at a flea market!

Robyn Kelly said...

When I said freaks I meant that word lovingly and triumphantly! Freak of the type who go to the mermaid parade and dare to wear something not sold at the mall. Your absolutely right shopping centers are the epitomy of what is wrong with out multicountry capitalismo culture! Keep being freaked out by the "unfreaks".