car·pet·bag·ger : Pronunciation: -"ba-g&r . Function: noun. Etymology: from their carrying all their belongings in carpetbags - car·pet·bag·gery

: OUTSIDER; especially : a nonresident or new resident who meddles in politics (merriam webster online)

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Welcome one and all to my personal blog

Thank you for being such devoted readers of my cycling for Darfur blog. It was a really wonderful trip and I am so thankful for the opportunity that it has been to do something I believe in on my own terms.

If you wish to continue reading and journey on with me i invite you, but I warn you I can not promise where the road will take us. Not all will be nice but everything will be true between my eyes and your ears.

Still coming... well then lets go...up craggy mountains into the caverns of my experiences, next stop=Italy, lets hope it doesn´t rain!

Love Robyn