car·pet·bag·ger : Pronunciation: -"ba-g&r . Function: noun. Etymology: from their carrying all their belongings in carpetbags - car·pet·bag·gery

: OUTSIDER; especially : a nonresident or new resident who meddles in politics (merriam webster online)

Thursday, June 7, 2007


Become very still and listen-I prefer power yoga with music and sweat-but there are birds-not racing to become something-nicely stumble across a park rose petal morning-coffee square absorbing the sun-submit, apply, impress get press 'any press is good press'-get dizzy from staying up too late not drinking enough water I'm that fragile I don't need help to decay-the hammock is calling waiting for an accepted invitation into relax-run on a machine don't go no where seek shades of people past-shine charming bastard shyness can only protect so far.

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