car·pet·bag·ger : Pronunciation: -"ba-g&r . Function: noun. Etymology: from their carrying all their belongings in carpetbags - car·pet·bag·gery

: OUTSIDER; especially : a nonresident or new resident who meddles in politics (merriam webster online)

Saturday, July 28, 2007

It's Strange how we get trapped in the past

I've been noticing lately, my tendency to dream about lost times. Moments that in many respects I'm glad are over, still seem to repeat on me. I imaging myself in them with this longing, which is hard to explain. Why would I want to relive pain? Is it the subtle beauty that exists inside of it, or just fear of moving on and finding less faulted beauties to languish in.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Privacy is a state of mind

According to Jan Yoors, insider gypsy anthropologist, the Rom(gypsies) consider privacy to be a state of mind. Something which involves giving other people space, not prying and not discussing unsavory things which might offend others. This statement attests to the idea that people who share tiny spaces, like campsites and wagons, or train cars and the great outdoors, an be constantly together yet comfortably alone. While, I've noticed that people who share houses or in this city sidewalks and roads, can feel continuously irritated by the presence of meddling others. There are always those people who do not observe borders, almost unconscious of there existence these people have a tendency to be intrusive. Surrounded by such space invaders many of us develop the belief that we must hole up in private places, rooms with locks on the doors, deserted beaches in order to find this truly alone sense of quiet and peace. However, why can't we, when in Rom, do as the gypsies do and find inner solace, by creating space around us by respecting the boundaries of ourselves and others?